Thursday, June 6, 2013

Life Is a Journey

I love to hike, especially in the mountains.  I used to live in Montana and hiking in the Rocky Mountains was awesome!  They are much more grandiose than the mountains here in Georgia, even though I enjoy the mountains here also.  I remember the first time I went hiking in the Rockies.  I looked at what I thought was the summit and made my way toward that destination.  When I arrived to that point, I realized there was much more to this mountain.  As I was resting, I looked up again and determined where the "top" of the mountain was located.  When I arrived at that point, again, I realized I was still a long way from the top.  Of course, this was very frustrating.  The size of the mountain was much larger than I could perceive.

It took me awhile to stop judging my journey in the context of the destination.  I learned to enjoy the beauty around me as well as the adventure of each step.  There was something new to see and experience around every corner and over each little slope. To be honest, I never did make it to the top of the mountain.  I learned to enjoy the journey.

For me this is an excellent word picture for life.  Father has been teaching me to enjoy the journey and to stop looking ahead to determine the destination.  For those of you who are planners or goal setters or visionaries, I'm not saying to stop planning or setting goals or casting vision.  When Jesus told Martha that her sister Mary had chosen the better option, He wasn't telling her to stop being a hostess.  Also, He was not telling Mary to embrace laziness!  He was helping Martha to gain perspective.  Martha was not enjoying the journey; she was trying to reach a destination.  (Luke 10:38-42)

It is too easy for me to try and look ahead to determine a destination.  It's ok for me to just walk.  God is directing my steps.  In my flesh I have the tendency to worry about the "how's" and the "what's."  In other words, I want to be able to control and manage outcomes.  God is a gentleman and will allow me to attempt that God-sized task, but He knows I will fail.

Here is what I am learning: God is my destination!  In Him I have life.  Life is not found in reaching a destination out there somewhere.  For some that perceived destination might be getting married, or landing the perfect job, or attaining wealth, or gaining power, or going on the perfect vacation, or fulfilling a bucket list!  Acts 17:28a says, "for in Him we live and move and exist..."  No matter where we are on the journey, we have Him.

Don't beat yourself up for not reaching the summit of the mountain.  Enjoy the scenery right where you are.  Don't worry about tomorrow, or next week, or next year.  You and I are exactly where we are supposed to be right now; we are learning to rest and we are learning to surrender.  Enjoy your journey!