A couple of weeks ago I talked about the difference between law and grace. Even as we begin to wrap our minds around God's grace as believers, we still struggle with "law living." If you have ever had any thoughts that go something like this, "I should have done _______," you just made a jaunt over into law living!
This subject is tough because living in this world we do have responsibilities. Teeth need to be brushed, floors need to swept, yards need to be mowed, children need to be fed, bills need to be paid, test need to be studied for, messes need to be cleaned, etc... Living by grace doesn't mean we get a pass on being responsible, but some seem to make that connection when they are introduced to the deeper levels of God's grace.
Anything you do or think you "need" to do to make life better for yourself is law living. When I say anything, I mean anything! Do you think you will be a better Christian if you read your Bible more? or pray more? or tithe 10%? or go to church every Sunday? or witness everyday? Doing any of these things for the purpose of improving your life is law living. Please don't misunderstand me, there is absolutely nothing wrong with anything I just listed. As far as healthy pursuits go, they are some of the highest one could choose.
So what am I implying? Anything you or I "do" to gain life (value, worth, purpose, significance, acceptance, etc...), is living by law. Only Christ can give life. He said He was the way, the truth, and the life! (John 10:10) Life is not something you do, He is someone you know! He gives us our purpose, our worth, our significance; He gives us His Life and we have that Life simply because of His doing.
When I am trying to improve my life by concentrating on my "good works" performance, I am choosing to place myself under law. Paul said when I do that, I have fallen from grace (Gal. 5:4). Falling from grace is not losing your salvation, it is trying to gain justification by living according to law. No man is justified by law (Gal. 3:11).
Please understand that only a righteous person can produce righteous acts. We don't become righteous by acting righteous. That's like saying an animal becomes a dog by barking more! I had a dog that barked less than ten times in her 11 years of life. That was very un-dog-like of her, but that didn't change the fact that she was 100% dog. If Christ lives in you, He has made you righteous. Because you are righteous, live righteously! Law living never produced righteous living, nor can it. You "get to" (grace) live like Jesus, you don't "have to" (law).
It takes a life-time to undo our tendency to live by law, but that is ok! God's grace is even sufficient for that.
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