I've decided to take a stab at maintaining a blog site on a regular basis. Even though I really like technology, I have resisted getting in on some of the social media crazes. You might say I'm a little behind! I finally started using e-mail a number of years after e-mail became popular. Then there was texting. I still remember the first time I saw an advertisement on TV for texting. I thought, "who in their right mind would ever use something like that!" Of course, now I prefer a text over a phone call most of the time!
Even though I have a FaceBook account, I rarely use it. I'll be honest, it really doesn't feel very personal. And, being a counselor, I've seen FaceBook become the tool that many have used to destroy their own lives. Don't get me wrong, FaceBook is not the problem, it is people trying to get a need met that ultimately FaceBook can't fill.
I want people to know the truth. I want them to know that God created them for a purpose; and that purpose is not to get their needs met apart from Him! Your purpose and my purpose is to Live! I capitalized that word because we were made to know and experience God's Life. It doesn't really matter what you "do," but it does matter who you "be." Only when we are living God's Life does are "doing" have any meaning.
From God's perspective this is all very simple. We are the ones who are complicating it all. Jesus said for all who are weary to come to Him and He will give them rest (Matt. 11:28). If you or I are not resting, we are not Living! When I'm not resting, I'm trying to meet my needs. There is nothing wrong with having needs, but the question is, who is meeting those needs?
Let's trust God today for today. He is able and He is willing. He loves you and me more passionately than we can imagine. Oh yea, and please connect with someone face to face today if you can!
Grace to all!
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