There seems to be this uncomfortable dance between God's work in our lives and our responsibility to be a good Christian. Sometimes when we do something godly and others recognize it, we say, "not I but Christ!" Or we get the big head and focus on our self-effort. Neither one of these responses is God's way. Don't get me wrong, the first response sounds good and humble, but it leaves out one very important element.
As I mentioned in my last blog, if we are in Christ, we are a new creature; a new creature with new desires and a new focus. That new creature wants to behave godly. Bad behavior doesn't negate desire, it only reflects poor choice. If the new creature could be completely free of the influence of Satan's temptations, flesh, and the law of sin (Rom. 7:23), the new creature would always make great choices and reflect godliness. Of course, I just described what heaven will be like!
Ok, we're not in heaven yet; and we do struggle with temptation, flesh, and the law of sin. Those challenges, however, don't disprove God's greatest work of making His children new creatures! In spite of those challenges, He can display His character in these fragile earthen vessels. (2 Cor. 4:7) That was His plan.
When God does display His character in us, He is also showing the world the new character of His new creature. You see, it's not one or the other, it is both. It is the co-union of Christ in me, displaying Himself through me and at the same time showing others His work in us. Isn't that amazing?! I love what Paul says in Colossians 3:4, "When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory." (NASB) Do you see it? When Christ is revealed (not heaven, but now), not only is He being revealed, but the real you is also being revealed!
Because I am a carpenter, I own a circular saw. There are certain applications in building that need a circular saw. It is the only tool that will work in certain situations. In order for my saw to perform the task for which it was designed, it must be plugged into a power source and it must be operated by a skilled operator. As new creatures, we were designed to display God's character. Not only must we be plugged into The Source, we must surrender to the skilled hands of The Operator.
Also, as a carpenter, I don't want a cheap home-owner saw. I want a good heavy-duty saw with plenty of power. There are certain models I won't buy, because I know they won't work very well. I have had my saw for twenty years and it still works great. I still brag about my saw (as I'm doing now).
You and I are God's workmanship and He loves to show-off what He has done. This understanding for me produces humility and gratitude. I am thankful that God wants to display His character in me and that He is proud of me as His masterful creation. Pretending that my display of godly character has nothing to do with me, is like my saw pretending it never cut the wood!
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