“… Apart from
Me you can do nothing.” John 15:5b
The Bible is
very clear that we are vessels or containers who contain the glory of God. He designed us to contain and express His
glory. If I had a lamp with a light
bulb, that lamp still needs power outside of itself to produce light. It can’t produce the power, but it can
receive the power and display that power through its bulb. We are like that lamp. We need God’s life in us to produce the fruit
of His life.
When Jesus said
we could do nothing apart from Him, He is saying we need Him to be our
power. Just as the electricity has a
relationship with the lamp that produces visible light, we too have a
relationship with Christ that produces His light.
Let’s not stop
there, though. By God’s design and
purpose He wants to display Himself in and through us. Just as the lamp needs the electricity, the
electricity needs the lamp. It’s not
that God needs us - He wants us. He said
He could make the rocks cry out, but He would rather use us as the vessel of
His glory than a rock!
We are the
vessel and Christ is the power. Our
relationship with Him reveals the light.
What the darkened world needs is the light. Going back to the lamp analogy, we tend to
focus on the outward appearance of the lamp.
There are nice looking lamps, bold looking lamps, plain lamps and ugly
lamps, large lamps and small lamps. The
one thing they all have in common, when the electricity is flowing into them,
is light. It is not the appearance of
the lamp that overcomes the darkness, but the emanating light.
I grew up
believing that God wants to help me live a good life. So I would pray, “God, please help me to be
patient,” or “God, help me stop committing this sin I know You don’t like.” Then I would continue to struggle with
impatience and sinning. This defeat
would cause me to either question whether God was listening or if I was sincere
enough in my prayers for help. I
suspected He was listening, so ultimately the focus was on my “depravity.” In other words, I saw myself as broken, not
good enough, and inferior.
Christ came to set
us free from our depraved sin natures.
He did this by remaking us into a holy and righteous creature with new
desires. Our truest desires now reflect the
very nature of God. Our hearts soar with
the desire to behave in a way that mirrors God’s behavior.
Too many prescriptions
for victory involve making the vessel look better and act better. Victory doesn’t come from the outside; it
comes from the inside. Paul said in 2
Corinthians 4:7, “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the
surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves…”
God made us for
relationship. The reason we can’t do
anything apart from Christ is because we were made that way, just as the lamp
cannot produce light apart from the power.
Our inability to behave righteously apart from Christ is not proof of a
sinful nature; it is proof that we are totally dependent on Christ for
We are now free
to focus on expressing Christ’s life in our everyday life. It doesn’t matter what our circumstances look
like, Christ is able to navigate every condition, every temptation, every
thought, emotion and choice. If we could
walk in victory simply because we desire to, we would not need Christ. We were made for relationship and in that
relationship with Christ His light (glory) is displayed.
Trust your
godly desires; God put them there. With
those desires, He supplies the power.
You don’t have to manufacture strength, you get to rest in His strength!
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