Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Let's Dance!

I had the privilege of officiating a wedding for a very dear friend. As I stood there at the altar with him and the rest of the wedding party, I watched him. I wanted to see his face when his bride came around the corner. I’ve done that so many times in the past, because I knew what I was going to see – a face that will light up at the sight of his beloved. My friend’s face didn’t disappoint. When she came into view, he said “WOW!” When she saw him, a bright smile spread across her face. It was the perfect picture of delight. They weren’t focused on anyone else.
Later, during the reception, he danced with his bride. She looked safe in his arms and he looked overjoyed for her to be there. They both had waited a long time for this day. Even though they had officially committed themselves to each other a couple of years before, this was the day where there would be no turning back. After the feasting was over, the dance floor was opened to anyone who wanted to celebrate with them. I watched him go back to the dance floor with his family and friends and dance like King David. He didn’t care what anyone thought about his dancing, he just danced.
Let me tell you a secret….I love dancing! I only dance in the privacy of my home. Why? Because I am challenged in the rhythm area. There are two things I want to experience the moment I shed this old body. I want to play the drums and I want to dance. You don’t have to ask me twice to sit down and watch a movie with dancing. Seeing someone dance well makes my spirit soar.
I think God put within all of us a desire to use our bodies to express joy. Just as David danced before the Lord and my friend danced before his family and friends, when we are filled with joy unspeakable, we want to let it out through our bodies. There is nothing perverse about this desire. When it’s just me and my grandkids, I play some fun music and we dance. I get made fun of by the adults in the room, but I don’t care and neither do my grandkids.
God fills me with joy because He is delighted with me. Why? Because I am His child. King David recognized his value to God when he said in Psalm 139:17-18a, “How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand.” (NASB)
The Bible says I am the bride of Christ (2 Cor. 11:2; Rev. 19:7-9; 21:2,9). My groom looks at me with delight. Think about that. If I’m the child of God and the bride of Christ, what higher honor or status can I seek? There is none. So, what is my conclusion to that? Let’s dance!

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